Custom Orders YUKI bags
Over the last years, we have worked with a variety of people and businesses. For them, we created specific bags to meet their needs, built from scratch and to specification. Innovation is a part of our core values, and we always look to create something unique and tailor it to specific needs. We are always open to embrace custom orders. We are happy to develop a unique product to fit your needs.
For more information, please contact us at
Backpack for modular synthesizer custom order for Andreas Voccia

Backpack custom order for Richard Scott
Backpack custom order for Yoshiki Ichihara

SO-NO-RO-A Modular Backpack custom size version for Daan Hendriks
"I love the look of the SO-NO-RO-A but I was wondering if it could be customised to fit a TipTop Mantis case, and still be within carryon restrictions. The Mantis is 104 up, or overall dimensions are 540 x 314 x 107 mm (W x D x H). The bag would have to be 55x40x20 max, is this possible?

TARR Backpacks custom order for Tarik Barri
"Hello dear Yuki bag maker(s),
your backpacks are just about the best things I've ever encountered for being able to travel with all my gear to the places where I perform. Really simple but really powerful. I call them Mary Poppins bags cause they are able to fit a LOT of stuff in through some kind of magic that I do not understand.
Now, I recently lost my backpack and would love a replacement - this is why I'm writing you.
They were given as a present for artists when I performed in MadeiraDig 2013. I'd love to buy two more of these if possible. Is it possible?
thanks!! - Tarik Barri"
SO-NO-RO-A Modular Backpack custom size version for Rashad Becker
"Hello, I have played at this year's semibreve festival and got one of your backpacks as a present. It is a sincerely great bag, I am very grateful for it, so thanks a lot for the quality you put into your products. I have been searching for a bag that can comply to carry on regulations and hold my modular system as well as the few other things you need when travelling and the SO-NO-RO-A a would actually be perfect for the task unless it is insufficiently high... So my question is: would it at all be possible to order a custom size version of the SO-NO-RO-A bag?
Thanks for your products and thanks in advance for your response.
Best wishes
"We will be playing in Lisboa in february, I will bring you some records as a thanks for the extra effort..."
MESA Tabletop Frame King Size Bag custom order for Leo Merz
"Meanwhile, the bag has arrived and it looks fantastic! It is a perfect fit for my DIY modular synthesizer - even the color of the fabric and the panel is a great match. I am very happy and I would like to order another bag with exactly the same specification. As an addition, would it be possible to add a pouch to the bag for storing cables and other smaller items?"
Custom Carrying Cases for YOUNG & RUBICAM BRANDS Portugal
Concept design Convertible backpack/shoulder bag/handbag for YOUNG & RUBICAM Portugal | Client BMW